The study investigated the impact of external debt on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1980-2012. Time series data on external debt stock and external debt service was used to capture external debt burden. The study set out to test for both a long run and causal relationship between external debt and economic growth in Nigeria. An empirical investigation was conducted using time series data on Real Gross Domestic Product, External Debt Stock, External Debt Payments and Exchange Rate from 1980-2012. The techniques of Estimation employed in the study include Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, Johansen Co-integration, Vector Error Correction Mechanism and Granger Causality Test. The results show an insignificant long run relationship and a bi-directional relationship between external debt and economic growth in Nigeria.
The term communication means different things to different people. Some can expand its meaning to include the equipment used in the passing of info...
Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the Study
Continuing education plays a pivotal role in challenging traditional norms and fostering progressive social chang...
Chemistry as a science subject plays a vital role in transforming the environme...
Background of the Study
Discourse markers are linguistic tools that facilitate the organization of conversation and the maintenance of co...
Background of the Study
Birth weight is a critical indicator of neonatal health, with low birth weight...
Background of the Study
Mobile communication is transforming the way Nigerians interact, and voicemail—a feature onc...
Background of the Study
School sports activities have long been heralded as a catalyst for promoting discipline and enhanc...
Academic performance on the other hand is being described as that behaviour exhibited by an...
Background of the study
Urbanization is a potent force shaping language use in modern societies, and its effects are promi...